#NGTalentUKEducated2023: UK Careers, Alumni and Networking Event

UK careers, alumni and networking event


This Saturday, November 25, 2023, the fourth edition of the #NGTalentUKEducated Careers, Alumni and Networking event will take place at the Eko Hotel on Victoria Island.

Coordinated by the Graduate Guidance Group and supported by nine UK universities in 2023, this is the only joint event of its kind – inviting graduates to reconnect with their former institutions and discover more about career opportunities in Nigeria, as an extension of alumni and professional support typically offered by universities in the UK.

Yusuff Kaffo, Associate Director of International Recruitment at the University of Wolverhamptom, said: “We firmly believe that our Nigerian graduates can excel anywhere they choose to pursue their careers, including here in Nigeria. That’s why I’m excited to see this event continue to be held and to give our alumni here the networks and tools to realize their potential.”

Speaking at a press conference ahead of the 2022 event, Abby Bernard (Deputy Head of Mission at the British Deputy High Commission) noted that “British universities are among the best in the world for their research and reputation, and the British government guarantees a high-quality learning environment through the Teaching Excellence Framework and the Research Excellence Framework. As Nigerian students join many other international students at UK universities, they return to Nigeria bringing with them skills far superior to those only available in the UK, through exposure to some of the best students and future leaders from around the world. ”.

The 2023 edition will see some changes and new additions to the program as it is open to ALL UK alumni who are present in Nigeria, regardless of their previous institution. Held on a Saturday, the event allows those already established in a career to participate in the event as mentors and benefit from sessions such as the career goal setting workshop and connect to the British Council’s AlumniUK platform. The Jobberman careers team will be on hand to run a resume clinic and careers support, and a professional photographer will take free photos for social media updates. Finally, alumni of the sponsoring institutions will have an exclusive end-of-year mixer with the theme “Seeking Greater Heights in 2024. Registration link for alumni:

For the first time, interested parties wishing to study in the UK will also be able to access the universities expo which runs alongside the employers expo. Registration link for future students:

Any queries regarding the event can be addressed to (email protected), get in touch via Instagram at @nigeriantalent.ukedu or contact 07063483498

Contacts at the sponsoring universities are as follows:

University of Leicester (email protected)

University of Liverpool (email protected)

University of Nottingham (email protected)

Nottingham Trent University (email protected)

Queen’s University Belfast a(email protected)

Southampton Solent University (email protected)

University of Southampton (email protected)

University of Wolverhampton (email protected)

University of York (email protected)

Previous editions in 2018, 2019 and 2022 were warmly received by alumni and employers, with many praising the support for those who want to book brain drain trends and ensure that educated Nigerians are able to apply class education world they received.

Event attendees also benefited from networking with university representatives and other UK alumni who may have graduated in different years or from other institutions, but with whom they shared a UK experience.

Below are some photos from the 2022 edition:

Speakers for the 2022 edition. From right: David Mbelu, Head of Partnerships, Jobberman Nigeria, Emma Tarrant Tayou of the Graduate Guidance Group, Deputy Head of Mission Lagos State, Deputy British High Commission, Abbey Bernards, DR. Mohamed Elmaghribi; Director of Student Recruitment for Engineering, University of Nottingham


Source: www.lindaikejisblog.com

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