Ted Cruz urges “milquetoast” pastors to resist “spiritual component” of the Left: “They killed God”

“The truth is intolerable to those who spread lies,” Cruz said

Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, urged Christian pastors to push back against the “spiritual component” of the modern Left, which he claimed is rooted in Marxist thought and fundamentally opposed to God.

On Monday an interview with BlazeTV host James Poulos, Cruz said America “desperately needs” revival but claimed many pastors are too afraid to take a stand on crucial issues.

“So many pastors are afraid of offending anyone in their congregation, and they end up, from the pulpit, just preaching milquetoast truths that offend no one,” said Cruz, who noted that his father, Rafael Cruz, is a pastor who encourages other pastors . engage in public affairs.

“And, look, I have to say, if you’re a pastor, and what you said Sunday morning doesn’t offend anybody, you’re doing it wrong,” Cruz continued. “That’s not what Jesus did. When He overturned the tables of the money changers in the temple, He offended many people, because the truth is intolerable for those who spread lies.”

“And we live in a world that is surrounded by lies,” he added.

Cruz, who recently wrote Unawaken: How to Defeat Cultural Marxism in Americawent on to point out what he sees as the fundamentally “spiritual component” of Marxism, which he claimed finds its modern iteration in the “awakened” Left.

“Today’s Left is very much a religion,” he said, adding that young people in particular are susceptible to it because they want to live for something bigger than themselves.

“I think that’s a fundamental human desire,” he said. “And for much of human history, it was filled with faith, it was filled with God and in relationship with God. Today, for much of the modern Left, in their mind they have killed God. There is no such thing as faith.”

Recounting stories that members of his family told him about growing up in communist Cuba, Cruz compared the tactics of the modern awakened Left to that country’s communists, who both said they wanted to capture the hearts of children in the service of their ideology.

He recalled a story his grandmother, who was a sixth grade teacher in Cuba, had told him about how Fidel Castro would send members of his army into elementary schools to actively deceive and demoralize the youngest children about the existence of God.

“That’s Marxism, that’s who they are,” Cruz said. “They always, always, always start with the children; they start with indoctrination. And at the heart of it is destroying any loyalty you might have to anything else – to God, to family, anything but the all-powerful state , because Marxism is fundamentally about power, and an excuse for the rulers to have total power and total devotion over you.”

Source: www.christianpost.com

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