Stakeholders accuse female journalists of ending GBV

Stakeholders accuse female journalists of ending GBV


Stakeholders on Saturday charged the Nigerian Association of Women Journalists (NAWOJ) to step up its advocacy against gender-based violence (GBV) and harmful traditional practices affecting women and girls.

They made this call during the triennial 11th National Delegates Conference in Abuja with the theme “Unite!” Actions to end violence against women and girls: The role of the media. ”

Ms. Ene Obi, former Country Director of ActionAid Nigeria, stressed the importance of the media in reducing GBV, harmful traditional practices and other issues plaguing the country.

“The role of the media is profound and there is an unwavering commitment to being able to change some of the perceptions about GBV.

“There are some reporting guidelines that need to be followed when reporting GBV. Issues of sensationalism and victim blaming should be avoided, but there is a lot of work to be done to get the message out,” she said. Ta.

President of the Nigeria Union of Journalists (NUJ), Chris Isiguzo, has called on members of the organization to unite and focus on rebuilding the organization, peace and progress.

“Grudges, bitterness, and bitterness only breed regression. Let us embrace a new chapter characterized by cooperation, understanding, and shared goals.

“Our collective strength lies in our unity, and together we can overcome challenges and usher in an era of unprecedented success for NAWOJ,” he said.



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