How a lack of basic care takes the lives of colorectal cancer patients in SSA
Most people with colorectal cancer in sub-Saharan Africa receive no or inadequate treatment, even though the disease is potentially curable. However, life expectancy for many affected people can be significantly improved with simple measures.
These were the results of a new study published in the Journal of the National Comprehensive Cancer Network. The study was conducted by the University of Medicine Halle in collaboration with the American Cancer Society and various international organizations. The research team analyzed data from 653 people diagnosed with colorectal cancer. Considering the increasing number of cases and low survival rates in this region, the authors emphasized the need to improve diagnostic and treatment options.
“The aim of our study was to establish the amount of basic treatment that colorectal cancer patients receive in sub-Saharan Africa and how much of an impact that treatment has in terms of survival. ,” explained Lucia Hemmel, lead author of the new study and a researcher at the journal. University Medical Hall Global Health Working Group.
Guidelines are used to determine appropriate treatment, and options depend on the availability of human resources and infrastructure and vary widely around the world. “We focused on harmonized colorectal cancer guidelines that take into account the context of sub-Saharan Africa,” Hemmel explained.
The study included 653 people diagnosed with colorectal cancer. Data were obtained from 11 population-based cancer registries. Additional medical information was available in 356 cases (55%). Of these, 262 patients had non-metastatic colorectal cancer (stages I-III) and 94 patients had metastatic colorectal cancer (stage IV). Only eight people (3%) with non-metastatic, potentially curable disease received guideline-conforming treatment. More than half received deviant treatment and more than a third received no treatment at all. As a result, mortality rates were up to 3.5 times higher in the study area.
“Most patients with incomplete medical records are considered not to have received appropriate treatment, which is why clinical data were not collected. For the remaining patients, treatment was either consistent with guidelines or Survival rates were significantly higher when there was a slight deviation. However, this happens despite the fact that adequate basic care can be provided without advanced technology or expensive solutions. less than one in 20 cases,” Hemmel said.