African Development Bank regional members support cooperative framework to promote inclusive development


The heads of the Protocol and Bank Focal Points across Africa agree to establish a cooperation framework to streamline the work between the World Bank Group and African countries.

Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire, 22 November 2023 -/ Under the auspices of the Office of the Secretary-General and the General Secretariat, the African Development Bank, in collaboration with the Regional Development Complex, hosted a High-Level Member State Engagement Framework Workshop in Abidjan. . This was an opportunity for the World Bank to reaffirm its commitment to working with the region’s 54 member countries to support and implement projects and programs for inclusive development.

Approximately 100 heads of protocol and banking focal points of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs from the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Planning, the Ministry of Economy and the Central Bank attended the workshop.

World Bank Group Africa Directors and Deputy Directors, Country Managers and Regional Protocol Officers also participated, partially online. This framework includes bilateral agreements between the Bank and host countries, including privileges, immunities, and employee exemptions. Event planning, missions and official travel to member countries are also eligible.

In his welcome address, World Bank Group Secretary General Vincent O. Nmehiel emphasized the importance of this framework. “This will not only strengthen the relationship between your country and the Bank, but also establish a network for Protocol Officers and Bank personnel and facilitate the exchange of knowledge.”

Opening the workshop, Swazi Shabalala, World Bank Senior Vice President, emphasized that a cooperative framework is essential to guide the Bank to better serve African countries. “Our projects are designed to serve your country’s interests. They must primarily serve your country’s development needs, ultimately improving the lives of people in Africa.” Shabalala said.

To implement this framework, workshop participants created a network of protocol-based focal points and directors. The network serves as a platform for exchange between the Bank and African member states, as a means to raise awareness of its mission and agreements, and to support capacity building of protocol officers and focal persons.

Ms. Tshabalala also expressed hope that the network would facilitate coordination between government ministries and the World Bank in organizing events and activities, and encourage cross-country engagement on issues of mutual importance.

The Bank faced several challenges in implementing host country agreements in some host countries. Some African governments accept World Bank laissez-faire travel documents, while others continue to require visas. Participants also discussed ways to improve the visibility of the Bank’s country engagement, information flows, and operational communications.

To foster dialogue among network members, the Bank is building a secure digital platform for member country focal points and protocol directors to improve communication, interoperability, and collaboration, making the Bank’s development activities more effective. I’m trying to make it happen.

Distributor Africa Media Agency (AMA) On behalf of the African Development Bank.

post African Development Bank regional members support cooperative framework to promote inclusive development It first appeared african media agency.



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